Juicing Wheatgrass: Believe The Hype!

Normal respiration in a cell is determined by the normal flow of oxygen-rich compounds, and glucose, and mineral salts into and out-of the cell. For the cells of the human body to remain healthy they must be in a slightly alkaline, oxygen-rich condition. Alkaline compounds, solutions and tissues absorb needed oxygen. In this "slightly alkaline, oxygen-rich" condition normal cells can "burn" glucose as a cellular fuel.

You can find wheatgrass in many forms. It can be purchased in either a tablet form or a powder. Many health stores will also sell freshly cut wheatgrass that you can use at home; and you can also get it in a juiced or a frozen form. Wheatgrass is very popular in most health stores and you can make a lot of delicious recipes as well. You can also combine other fruits and vegetables with Wheatgrass Powder to come up with your own healthy combinations that you can serve to the whole family. You can add honey to your juice for a somewhat sweeter taste, or you can add garlic and ginger to soften the taste. Dandelion and alfalfa are also popular choices to add to wheatgrass.

Seaweed is an amazing source of trace minerals including iodine which is important for healthy thyroid function. Dulse flakes or kelp granules are very easy to find online or in the spice or bulk herb section of your natural foods grocery. You can sprinkle flaked seaweed on almost any food as a healthy salt substitute.

Go NATURAL! Natural supplements are easily recognized, assimilated, and used (what a concept) by our bodies. When this type of nutrition is present, we will look and feel better than we ever have. Our skin will be clear and radiant. Our energy, mood, and mental clarity will be through the roof! We will look better and feel better than perhaps we EVER have!

You can purchase pre-juiced wheatgrass juice in the freezer section of some health food stores. more info However, use caution when purchasing these products. Many retailers are not permitted to sell unpasteurized wheatgrass juice. However, the process of pasteurization kills all of the nutrients making it worthless as a nutritional supplement.

Instead of the Standard American Diet that consists of 80% acid and 20% alkaline food, eat a diet of 20% acid and 80% alkaline. Vegetables and fruits are basically alkaline while meats, dairy, and processed foods are acid.

Many green drinks come in the form of a powder that includes a variety of green veggies such as broccoli, kale, spirulina, blue-green algae and other greens. These are harvested when they are young and at their nutritional peak. The process of turning them into a powder preserves all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they contain. You then mix a scoop with a glass of water or juice and enjoy. Many of these drinks provide as much nutrition as eight to ten servings of fresh, raw veggies.

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